Archive for August 2010

FM2010 : Complete Transfer Database for Season 2010/11

Saturday, August 28, 2010 · Posted in ,

Are you a person who addicted to Football Manager 2010? If your answer is "Yes" , I think this should make you jump happier! I have uploaded the latest FM2010 database that including the transfer around the world. for example : Ozil to R. Madrid, Silva to Man City, Milner to Man City and many more. Click on the link below to download.

Don't know how to use it?
It's easy. Copy the XML file that you have download and then, save it straight to Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2010/ Editor data.  You must find this directory in order to applied all the transfer. Start a new game and see the database is already in use. Well, good luck!

Download link :
XML File (8.67 MB)(Not Complete)
Zip File (1.59 MB)(Updated and Completed)

Credit to : LFCMarshall on FM-Base

Hey Blogger Around The World ! Read This!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 · Posted in , ,

United Blogger is a group on Facebook that I specially create for us(blogger) to share our blog and what was the latest in our blog. How it works? It's simple as A, B, C. Continue reading...

Firstly, you need to join this Group by click on the "Like" button. Then use RSS Graffii application on Facebook. This application allowed all it's user to configure the blog with the group. So, when you are posting something on your blog, it will be appear on the group as fast as possible! It's easy and more traffic will be driven to your blog! For your information, I just want to make this group as a ping site for us :-)

But, you need to be an admin first, because RSS Graffiti only allow the admins to configure their blog with the group. So, you just need to send a message to the admins or post on the group's wall so they will know that you want to be the new admin :-) Let's try it out!

P/S : CLICK HERE to join the group!

Jews and Malays Are The Same?

Sunday, August 22, 2010 · Posted in , , ,

Malay and Jew share the same blood? Is it true? Scroll down and read...

1. Jews are a race that was oppressed for thousands of years under the rule of different nations and tribes, but until now did not have a valid state. Malay is a race that has oppressed nearly 500 years under colonial Portuguese, Dutch, English and Japanese.

2. According to the study of DNA, randomly Malays have similarities of 25% of the Jewish people and the Malays with the DNA of other races that still exist in the world showed negative results (need proof).

3. In all the races of the world that still exists, Malay is the race with the most mystical history of mystic and scary ghost.The Jewish people who having skill in black magic(kabalah), are still practiced it, especially by the parties of the rich and modern artists.

4. Jews were oppressed for so long after, come and establish their country. They are also known as a brilliant but cruel race. The Malays in Malaya were invaded and oppressed for nearly 500 years, managed to set up Malaysia and only spend 50 years to become a developed country. This race is a smart(if hardworking), courtesy of high character and generous.

5. Alter hidden Jews is their wisdom, that when oppressed ages, finally they can use and alter the results, they come across time. Alter the Malays are still hidden secret and is only a matter of time. Alter secret was used by the Malays of yore when many eminent warrior-hero to appear in the legend.

6. The only people who opposed the Jewish Zionist violence is the Malays. This is evidenced by the volume leader of the country and contribute to boycott Israeli products. Meanwhile, for other countries that oppose Israel, they state otherwise accept criticism and sanctions by the United States.

7. According to the life history of the U.S. Abraham, Abraham had three wives, namely Sarah, Hagar and Keturah (Other sources say there is 4 wives, which Hajun). Sarah gave birth to Isaac, Hagar gave birth to Ishmael, Keturah while producing six children of Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Median, and Shuah Ishbak. (Hajun will produce five children, Kisan, Sauraj, Amim, Luthan, and Nafis.) Sarah Haran society is Princess (Princess Royal Chazan), while Hagar is the princess of the King of Egypt who supposedly waiting.

Keturah is the royal family Sargon. Malay origins came from Keturah said when his son was ruled to the Promised Land of which are located in the east end of the world and given gifts creese.

Malaya or Malaysia is fortunate to not suffer a disaster such as earthquake earth, tornado and volcano. This reinforces the theory of Malaya as The Land of Promised.

8. To conclude, the Malays are not Jewish, but the Malays have ties with the Jewish and Arab. Anything, more accurately, if interpreted Malays relative to all the people love the U.S. of Adam and Eve.

Fact: Malay is the only nation in the world capable of defeating the communists in their own country, unlike Vietnam, which even has the support of the United States, losing to the communists.

Malay Translation :

1. Yahudi merupakan bangsa yang pernah ditindas beribu-ribu tahun dibawah pemerintahan pelbagai bangsa dan puak, namun sehingga kini belum mempunyai negara yang sah.

Melayu juga merupakan bangsa yang pernah ditindas hampir 500 tahun dibawah penjajahan Portugis, Belanda, Inggeris dan Jepun.

2. Mengikut kajian DNA secara rawak bangsa Melayu mempunyai similarities sebanyak 25% dengan bangsa Yahudi dan DNA bangsa Melayu dengan bangsa lain yang masih wujud di dunia menunjukkan keputusan negative (perlu bukti)

3. Dalam banyak-banyak bangsa di dunia yang masih wujud, Melayu merupakan bangsa yang paling mistik dengan memiliki sejarah mistik dan hantu yang menakutkan. Diikuti dengan bangsa Yahudi yang mahir dengan amalan sihir kabalah yang masih diamalkan oleh golongan-golongan kaya dan modern termasuk artis.

4. Bangsa Yahudi setelah ditindas begitu lama, bangkit dan menubuhkan negara mereka. Mereka juga dikenali sebagai bangsa yang bijak tetapi kejam.

Bangsa Melayu di Tanah Melayu yang dijajah selama hampir 500 tahun, berjaya menubuhkan negara Malaysia dan hanya menggunakan masa selama 50 tahun untuk menjadi negara yang membangun. Bangsa ini dikenali dengan bijak jika berusaha, sifat berbudi bahasa yang tinggi dan murah hati.

5. Alter tersembunyi bangsa Yahudi adalah kebijaksaan mereka, yakni setelah ditindas berzaman-zaman, akhirnya mereka mampu menggunakan alter tersebut dan hasilnya, mereka bangkit merentas masa.

Alter tersembunyi bangsa Melayu masih tersembunyi dan hanya menunggu masa. Alter tersembunyi ini pernah digunakan oleh bangsa Melayu dahulu kala apabila banyak pahlawan-pahlawan tersohor sehingga tercatat dalam lagenda.

6. Satu-satunya bangsa yang berani menentang kekejaman Yahudi Zionist ialah bangsa Melayu. Ini dibuktikan dengan kelantangan pemimpin2 negara dan pemboikotan produk yang menyumbang kepada Israel. Manakala, bagi negara lain yang menentang Israel, negara mereka sebaliknya menerima kecaman dan sekatan oleh Amerika Syarikat.

7. Mengikut sejarah kehidupan Nabi Ibrahim A.S, Nabi Ibrahim mempunyai 3 orang isteri iaitu Sarah, Hajar dan Keturah (Sumber lain mengatakan ada 4 isteri, iaitu Hajun). Sarah melahirkan Nabi Ishak, Hajar melahirkan Nabi Ismail manakala Keturah melahirkan 6 orang anak iaitu Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Median, Ishbak dan Shuah. (Hajun pula melahirkan 5 orang anak iaitu Kisan, Sauraj, Amim, Luthan, dan Nafis.)

Sarah merupakan Puteri masyarakat Haran (Puteri Raja Chazan), manakala Hajar ialah Puteri kepada Raja Mesir yang disangkakan dayang. Keturah pula ialah kerabat diraja Sargon.

Asal-usul Melayu dikatakan datang dari Keturah apabila anaknya diperintah menuju ke Land Of Promised yang terletak di timur hujung dunia dan diberikan hadiah sebilah keris.

Tanah Melayu atau Malaysia merupakan tanah yang bertuah kerana tidak mengalami bencana besar seperti gempa bumi, puting beliung dan gunung berapi. Ini menguatkan lagi teori Tanah Melayu sebagai The Land of Promised.

8. Kesimpulannya, Melayu bukanlah Yahudi, namun Melayu ada tali persaudaraan dengan Yahudi dan Arab. Apa-apa pun, lebih tepat kalau ditafsirkan Melayu saudara kepada semua bangsa atas cinta Nabi Adam A.S dan Hawa.

Fakta : Melayu merupakan satu-satunya bangsa didunia yang mampu menumpaskan komunis di negara sendiri, tidak seperti Vietnam yang walaupun mempunyai sokongan Amerika Syarikat, tewas kepada komunis.

Sumber :
P/S : Sorry for my bad english.

Mobile Game: PES 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 · Posted in , , ,

Specially for my readers, I have upload PES2010 Mobile.The size is very small as it is only for mobile play. But, unfortunately it's only for Nokia S40v3 only. I still didn't find the installer for Nokia S60, Sony, Samsung and Motorola. I hope you can wait and for who having the Nokia S40 I'll very sure that you'll be smiling now. So, let's download now!

Screenshot :

Goal's Replay
Messi is shooting the ball
Aurelio is fighting for the ball

Download link :

Ebook : Permata Yang Hilang

· Posted in ,

Salam semua. Kenal kan buku kat atas ni? "Permata Yang Hilang Oleh Ibnu Yusof " . Saya tahu ramai yang sedang mencari buku ini. Di forum-forum yang telah saya baca, ramai yang bertanya di mana boleh download  buku ini. Oleh itu, hari ini, Selasa, 17/08 saya bercadang untuk berkongsi buku ini bersama anda semua. Ebook ni di-upload di Ziddu .com. Saya tahu ramai yang mengatakan ianya sangat slow untuk di - download. So,saya masih dalam proses untuk re-upload e-book ini. So, saya harap anda semua bersabar ye =)

P/S : Permata Yang Hilang sudah re-upload di 4Shared. Sila download ye =)

Link Download : 4Shared, Ziddu

Exchange Link

Monday, August 16, 2010 · Posted in ,

Have you seen this widget before? I know that many of you know this widget as well. So, for exchanging link, I would like to use this one as the medium. I hope you can share your link here. It's easy(seriously!). You just need to enter your name and your link and finish! Next time when I open my blog and I'll see your link there, so I will go to your blog/site too. Let's sharing now! It's absolutely free and easy! Ah! For your information, I put this widget at the bottom of my blog. Scroll down now! =)

Top 15 Viewed Post on My Blog

Saturday, August 14, 2010 · Posted in , , ,

This is list of top 15 viewed post on my blog. This the latest as i see in . After looking through the list, I see my blog post about football is the most popular. But, in the second place is the physics solution. So, I'm very happy because I may have helped you. If you have any suggestion just let me know. I will try to write it for you :-)
  1. Manchester United 2010 -11 Home & Away Kit
  2. Giancoli Physics for Scientists and Engineers [Solution For All Chapter]
  3. Join My "EPL Fantasy Football League" !
  4. Messi, Ronaldo, Kaka & Rooney - The Cursed Star?
  5. World Cup 2010 : The Valuable Shining Stars
  6. Wolves Sign C. Ronaldo & Aguero From Liga BBVA?
  7. Latest English Premier League Complete Transfer 09/10
  8. Who Should Be Manchester United Transfer Target ?
  9. Piranha Attack! [PIC]
  10. Biggest Hamster??
  11. Manchester United Kit Collections (1878 - 2011)
  12. Lynette Lincoln & Joanna Ann = Bitch
  13. Review : PES 2011
  14. "One For All" Dah Sampai UK !
  15. KAMUI: THE LAST NINJA (2010)

P/S : Sorry... the picture that I uploaded above is not related with any of my post...hehe

Cheap Domain from Baitulbytes!

Monday, August 2, 2010 · Posted in , , , ,

A very good news for student! Baitulbytes are giving special package to Malaysian student. You must make a copy for your student card and MyKad. As this package is for student, the eligibility of this package is LIMITED for student only. Also, only student's age between 16 to 25 years are eligible. So, what you waiting for? Let's buy a domain today!

CLICK HERE to go to Baitulbytes homepage.

Official Sponsor :

HOT! : Maria Ozawa @ Miyabi Akan Ke Malaysia !

Sunday, August 1, 2010 · Posted in ,

Wow! Adakah ni benar? Maria Ozawa akan ke Malaysia untuk satu LIVE Show??? Scroll ke bawah untuk unlock HOT NEWS ni sekarang! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ANDA TERTIPU!!! Sorry guys...actually Fir.Dha.Us sedang tension sangat sebab ranking aku jatuh tiap-tiap hari. So, aku harap post kali ni dapat menarik perhatian pak cik Google. Sebab Fir.Dha.Us rase, mesti ramai kan yang search pasal Maria Ozawa @ Miyabi ni. Hehehe... So, maybe search ke blog ni akan bertambah. Jangan marah tau kawan2. Sebab ranking One For All da jatuh daripada 800k ke 900k sekarang. Pelik betul! X cukup lagi ke usaha Fir.Dha.Us? Kepada member2 blogger yang sedang membaca entry ni, Fir.Dha.Us harap anda semua boleh berkongsi tips untuk tingkatkan trafik dan ranking. Anyway, Fir.Dha.Us mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin kepada semua blogger2 Muslim dan juga kepada umat Islam sedunia =) Blogger "Never" Die. Peace :-)

Nah..Gambar Maria Ozawa pakai tudung sebagai ganti rugi...hehe =p

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