Want traffic to your blog? How? It's easy as A,B,C... So, just follow this simple steps....
1.Write your posts in English.
English, english, english, and english.
2.Add AdSense unit in your blog.
AdSense is own by Google. Can you think? If you are publishing Google Ads, Google will give you more opportunities to be in it's search list. So, your blog will be easily ranked! Easy rite?
3.Add Shoubox to your blog!
Shoutbox is important because it connecting you with your readers. Shoutbox also is the only way for your readers to leave their link so you will know who are visiting your blog. So, it will give you more traffic! They(the visitor) will help you to gain more traffic. So what if you do the same to them? :-)
4.Use digg.com to publish your post.
Digg.com, is the place where you can republish your post. And if you have good quality post, peoples will dugg your post. 'dugg' mean, if anyone like your post the will leave a sign. That is dugg. More dugg mean more visitors to your blog. I've try it and it's worked!
Simple rite? LOL!
p/s: Tell me if you found spelling mistake ya!Pleaseeeee... =p
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